- Is that a lama with a hammer? / Is that a lamb with a hammer? 那是个拿着锤子的喇嘛吗/那是个拿着锤子的小羊吗?
- Is that a lama with a hammer? 这就是带拿着锤子的喇嘛?
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- Is that a fair inference to draw from his statement? 从他的说法中推出这种结论恰当吗?
- Who is that woman with a baby in her arms? 那位抱着孩子的妇女是谁?
- Is that man with a suitcase Mr. Read? 那个拿手提箱的人是里德先生吗?
- Who is that girl with a pigtail? 那个梳辫子的姑娘是谁?
- "Is that a reminder, in case you should forget to call?" said Trent with a sneer. “你是害怕忘记去会帐吗?特伦特鄙夷地说。
- The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. 原因是蜂鹰经常跑10到12英尺后开始从地面起飞,跑是它的习惯。
- RC:Just out of curiousity, is that in the same way that a human fighter with a broken sword could never defeat us? 好奇地问一句,这是不是和一个拿着断剑的人类战士绝对不能击败我们一个道理呢?
- Is that a resort noted for its hot springs? 那是一个以温泉出名的观光胜地吗?
- Owner: Hey, is that a vintage clock in your car? 老板:嘿,在你车里的是一个古董钟吗?
- Is that a regular flight or a charter flight? 这是一架正常班机还是团体包机?
- Is that a size 6 hat? If so,it will do me. 那帽子是六号的吗?如果是,对我正合适。
- Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game? 这是求婚呢 ,还是仅仅在玩游戏?
- Is that a Monet (= a painting by Monet)? 那是莫奈的画吗?
- The nice thing about Sally is that she can always see the joke. I couldn't bear working with a person who didn't have a sense of humour. 萨莉的可爱之处是她总能看出有些事情好笑。如果同一个缺乏幽默感的人在一起工作,我就受不了啦。
- Is that a single or a double you want? 你要的是单人房间还是双人房间?
- Is that a statement or a question? 这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢?
- Is that a fair inference from his statement? 从他的说法中得出这种结论恰当吗?